'68 Reunion Save the Date
Additional Reunion Information
- Friday, Sept. 21: Welcome Back Gathering at Grand Rapids Yacht Club - 740 Lakeside Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506
- Saturday, Sept. 22: Reunion Dinner and Dance at Boulder Creek - 5750 Brewer Ave. NE Belmont, MI 49306
- ArtPrize - learn more at
Continue to check back for more reunion information.
Email Jeff Hudson to verify your current information: last name (and maiden name), email, address, and phone.
This will allow the reunion committee to share reunion information with as many alumni as possible.
Missing Classmates - If you have current information on any of the below classmates please email Jeff Hudson.
Craig A. Barnes | Pamela M. Hellwig | Sylvia H. Rosenkranz Gur |
Barbara A. Blackburn Cooper | Thomas W. Hook | Virgil K. Russell |
Sandra D. Boozer Virkus | Betsy F. Imrie | Sally I. Schroeder Mishra |
Matthew S. Bryant | Rosemary Keil Irvine | Barbara S. Schuck |
Martha T. Calkins | Nancy K. Kuiper Hancock | Wilson J. Scott |
Candice A. Collings | Marsha M. Lacey | Mary J. Sears |
Linda J. Creagan | Linda I. Leslie | Marilyn J. Smith |
Janice S. Douglas Jacobson | Judy E. Logie | Rick C. Stanley |
Michelle A. Ellis Robbins | Carol D. Miller | Ginnie K. Vander Wal Mears |
Jerry P. Fitzgerald | Mary K. Molloy | James G. Veen |
Kenneth D. Foster | Betsy A. Montgomery | Robert A. Vetvick |
Ellen F. Freihofer Learned | Mary L. Muir Maentz | Diane M. Vujea Peters |
Barbara L. Goosman | Deborah A. Mulvihill George | Mary B. Wah Blakey |
Molly G. Graham Ellis | Stephen P. Nobel | Sandra Ann Warren Stedman |
Candace E. Green | David H. Owen | Douglas E. Williams |
Madelyn L. Green Paauwe | John D. Pickering | John E. Winkler |
Diane E. Hall | Carol A. Prince Quillian | Linda S. Wisner Webb |
Ray and Kristin Abraham
The Bissell/Kruer Family
The Connor Family
Damian and Sara deGoa
The Iakiri Family
Bill and Melissa Marsh
Dave and Linda Mehney Family
Matthew Richenthal
Brian Schwartz and Elizabeth Welch