2024 East Grand Rapids Schools Foundation Scholarship Recipients
Purpose: Distributions from the Fund provide post-secondary scholarships to East Grand Rapids High School (EGRHS) seniors for enrollment in a college/university, vocational/technical school, art or design school, or school of nursing in the United States.
Selection Committee. Scholarship recipients are selected by a 5 person selection committee appointed by the East Grand Rapids Schools Foundation Board of Trustees. The make-up of the committee will include the chair of the EGRSF Administration Committee, EGRSF board member, EGRHS alumni and a former, or, if unavailable, current member of the EGR faculty.
Amount. The amount of each scholarship grant generally will not be less than $1,000 or exceed an amount that would displace other financial aid available to the recipient. The amount of the scholarship grant may vary from year to year at the discretion of the Board based on the income available to make a new award. The source of the funding for the EGRSF Scholarship will come from the EGRSF annual income available for grant making.
Eligibility. Individuals may apply for scholarship grants based upon the following criteria:
a. Student is a graduating East Grand Rapids High School senior
b. Minimum 3.25 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 unweighted scale
c. Extracurricular involvement
d. Planned enrollment in a college/university or vocational/technical school, art or design school, or school of nursing in the United States. Scholarship awards will be paid directly to the school in which the awardee enrolls.
e. EGRSF student board members and children of current EGRSF board members and EGRSF employees are not eligible to apply.
The deadline for submission of applications is March 15.
Ray and Kristin Abraham
The Bissell/Kruer Family
The Connor Family
Damian and Sara deGoa
The Iakiri Family
Bill and Melissa Marsh
Dave and Linda Mehney Family
Matthew Richenthal
Brian Schwartz and Elizabeth Welch