Think spring: Save the date for the Foundation’s fundraiser of the year, HURRAH! Saturday, April 26. Sponsorship opportunities are available now.
Here’s your guide to what’s happening February 17-22:
Schools: There’s no school Monday for Mid-Winter Break. And the Community Connections presentation, “Selfies and Social Skills: Guiding Elementary Students in the Digital Age,” is in the PAC Wednesday at 6pm followed by “Navigating the Digital Maze: Parenting Teens in the Tech Era” at 7pm.
High School: The Music Boosters meet Wednesday at 5:30pm in the Library Conference Room. The Community Connections presentation, “Navigating the Digital Maze: Parenting Teens in the Tech Era,” is in the PAC Wednesday at 7pm. And the High School District 10 Choral Festival is Thursday.
Middle School: Tuesday and Thursday are Day 2. Monday and Wednesday are Day 1. There are MAP testing make-up exams all week (the water is "Azure Blue," which combines a map joke with a makeup joke). The Community Connections presentation, “Navigating the Digital Maze: Parenting Teens in the Tech Era,” is in the PAC Wednesday at 7pm. Friday is the end of the second trimester. 7th Grade Game Night is Friday at 3pm. And the Yule Ball is Saturday at 6pm at the high school.
Breton Downs: The Community Connections presentation, “Selfies and Social Skills: Guiding Elementary Students in the Digital Age,” is in the PAC Wednesday at 6pm. The Yule Ball is Saturday from 6-9pm at the high school.
Lakeside: The Community Connections presentation, “Selfies and Social Skills: Guiding Elementary Students in the Digital Age,” is in the PAC Wednesday at 6pm. The Yule Ball is Saturday from 6-9pm at the high school.
Wealthy: The Community Connections presentation, “Selfies and Social Skills: Guiding Elementary Students in the Digital Age,” is in the PAC Wednesday at 6pm. The Yule Ball is Saturday from 6-9pm at the high school.
Sports: For a complete schedule of high school sports, visit egrpioneers.org. Here’s the varsity schedule:
Bowling: Thu. 12pm and Fri. 9:30am vs multiple opponents at regionals (location TBD)
Boys Basketball: Tue. 7pm@FH Northern, Fri. 7pm@Ottawa Hills
Boys Swim and Dive: Tue. 6pm@FH Northern
Girls Basketball: Tue. 5:30pm@FH Northern, Fri. 5:30pm@Ottawa Hills
Ice Hockey: Thu. 5pm at Ferris State vs TBD in playoffs
Ski: Tue. 4pm vs multiple opponents for Varsity Conference Meet and Senior Night at Cannonsburg
Arts: The Music Boosters meet Wednesday at 5:30pm in the high school Library Conference Room. And the High School District 10 Choral Festival is Thursday.
City: The City Commision has a special meeting Monday at 6pm in the PAC. The agenda includes a public hearing on the Gaslight Investors project.
Have a great week! Together, we provide opportunity. Thank you!
-Your East Grand Rapids Schools Foundation
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Ray and Kristin Abraham
The Bissell/Kruer Family
The Connor Family
Damian and Sara deGoa
The Iakiri Family
Bill and Melissa Marsh
Dave and Linda Mehney Family
Matthew Richenthal
Brian Schwartz and Elizabeth Welch