The East Grand Rapids Schools Foundation is pleased to administer scholarships and grants that provide financial support to teachers, administrators, and/or staff who wish to pursue personal educational and other learning opportunities that will benefit our schools. Each opportunity is designed to enhance the quality of education within our school district by promoting the professional and educational growth of those who work directly for the benefit of our students. The opportunities are:
William and Shirley VandenBerg Scholarship:
William and Shirley VandenBerg Scholarship: This scholarship was established in 1996 by the VandenBerg family to honor the work and philosophy of Dr. William VandenBerg and Mrs. Shirley VandenBerg in encouraging continued education and renewal for our educators. Dr. VandenBerg was a life-long resident of East Grand Rapids. He attended East public schools through his high school years and returned to East Grand Rapids to raise his family and practice medicine. He was on the School Board of Education for six years, with three of those as Board President. Mrs. VandenBerg was a good mother and committed to volunteering in her community and schools. She committed her time and energy to her family first as well as the Blodgett Hospital Auxiliary, The Junior League of Grand Rapids, and the West Michigan Environmental Action Committee. This scholarship is given annually (up to $4,000) to one or more staff teachers in the district to attend a class, seminar, workshop, or unique learning opportunity that will directly enhance the quality of teaching in that person's current specific academic area.
Dr. Sara Magaña Shubel Lifelong Learning Scholarship: This scholarship honors the work and philosophy of Dr. Shubel, EGRPS Superintendent from 2005 to 2018, in encouraging lifelong learning for all teachers, administrators, and staff in our schools. This scholarship, up to $1,000 or more depending on fund availability, is awarded annually to one or more staff members to participate in a class, seminar, workshop, or other learning opportunity that promotes Dr. Shubel's vision of lifelong learning for the employees of EGRPS.
Superintendent's Mini-Grants: Each year the Foundation designates an annual sum of $2,000 to be awarded in amounts of $100-$500 to teachers for the purpose of paying tuition and fees for course work that enhances the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom. The Superintendent will evaluate and approve all requests.
Teachers, administrators, and staff who are interested in applying for one or more of these scholarships should complete the application that follows and submit it on or before May 1. The Foundation will then determine which scholarship or scholarships best fit the request, and will follow-up accordingly. Recipients of the VandenBerg and Shubel Scholarships will be recognized at the EGRPS Opening Staff Meeting in August during the Foundation's award ceremony.
*IMPORTANT: You must be a current staff member of the district at the time of the professional development or learning experience you have been awarded. Those not employed with the district or in transition to a new position outside of the district will need to cancel the experience or be financially responsible for the cost.
Submit Application Via Google Drive
Open the Professional Development Scholarship Application Google Doc.
Make a Copy of the document (How to Save a Copy of a Google Doc)
Share your completed document with your building administrator and with the East Grand Rapids Schools Foundation,
Ray and Kristin Abraham
The Bissell/Kruer Family
The Connor Family
Damian and Sara deGoa
The Iakiri Family
Bill and Melissa Marsh
Dave and Linda Mehney Family
Matthew Richenthal
Brian Schwartz and Elizabeth Welch