There are three ways you can help the Foundation with its mission: by donating, by giving your time, and by raising awareness of what we do.
All three are important. Even after nearly 40 years of helping our schools, there are still plenty of people who don't know what the Foundation does. You can tell them.
You can tell them that our mission is to enrich the experience of all students by investing in programs and educational enhancements that support the whole child. You can tell them by telling our story, liking our Facebook page, and sharing our posts on social media. You can tell them that in the 2022-23 school year we funded 42 grants totaling $246,961 and pledged even more than that in program support. You can tell them that over the course of students' time in East schools from kindergarten through graduation, the Foundation--thanks to our donors--will contribute more than $6 million to their education. You can tell them that the Foundation provides grants that make a powerful, positive difference in the lives of every student at every one of our schools.
Mostly, you can tell them that, together with our generous donors, the Foundation is redefining excellence in our schools. With you as our partner, we're making outstanding opportunities accessible to all, so all our students can reach their full potential.
Ray and Kristin Abraham
The Bissell/Kruer Family
The Connor Family
Damian and Sara deGoa
The Iakiri Family
Bill and Melissa Marsh
Dave and Linda Mehney Family
Matthew Richenthal
Brian Schwartz and Elizabeth Welch