You can only have one: Rose’s caramel corn, an ice cream cone from Jersey Junction, or a Yesterdog. Which do you choose?
What are your plans after graduation?
I’m going to MSU! I’d like to work in a museum.
What have you learned in East that will enable you to be successful?
I think I learned a lot about biology and how I need to study.
What were you like in school?
I was outgoing and wanted to be a leader in lots of classes. I was also very afraid of failure which sort of went against being a leader.
Did you have a favorite teacher or class?
Mrs. Huff!! She was only with us for a little but she reminded me why I love biology so much. I would give her a million dollars if I could.
If you had to choose one moment in one location to serve as the signature moment of your East school experience, what would it be?
The Little Aud having play practice. I was there probably half of my time at East.
What do you know now that you wish you’d known when you were younger?
I wish I could have told myself to not take everything so seriously. I suffer from pretty bad anxiety that leaves me panicked about every minor detail but in reality life goes on and you don’t need to stress every minor detail.
Who from East do you think you’ll stay in touch with in the future?
All my close friends!
What advice do you have for young East kids?
Try new things and meet new people. School is important but what’s most important is finding yourself at the end of the day and getting to know what you want to do in the future.
Bonus question: What are you glad we didn’t ask you about?
Which teachers I didn’t like.
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