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A Virtual Cup of Coffee with Caroline Roth '20

You can only have one: Rose’s caramel corn, an ice cream cone from Jersey Junction, or a Yesterdog. Which do you choose?
AHH! That’s so tough. Have to go with Yesterdog though. Nothing quite like it.

What are your plans after graduation?
I am going to Michigan!!! I’m super excited and I want to major in psychology.

What have you learned in East that will enable you to be successful?
I feel like especially after this past month, this experience has taught me to never wish a moment away or to hope the future comes sooner. I’ve learned just how important it is to embrace every moment before it becomes a memory because you never know when something will end.

What were you like in school?
It depended on the class. Some of my classes I sat in the corner and didn’t talk to anyone, and other classes I was super outgoing and loved learning and engaging in the conversation.

Did you have a favorite teacher or class?
Junior year: Mrs. Miller all the way. She’s too good! She’s the reason I want to pursue a career in psychology. I could always go to her and talk to her about non-school related topics too which was super important to me. I have a real relationship with her and that made being in her class that much better. (She was my favorite teacher when I had her in middle school also). This year my favorite class/teacher was U.S. history with Mr. Vandenbrink. He is so engaging and makes every class fun that I actually learned to enjoy taking notes. In both of these classes, every day walking in felt like a relief. Those classes were safe spots for me and in some really dark points during this school year I went to both of these teachers and they were so understanding and kind. I’m so, so sad I don’t get to have just one more class with them :(

If you had to choose one moment in one location to serve as the signature moment of your East school experience, what would it be?
MY FAVORITE MEMORY is when after a really big game for lacrosse last year we won and the whole team had a sleepover on the E at Memorial Field. It was the best night. We all got there around 9 or 10 and stayed up late talking. We all had sleeping bags and blankets and it was the best time ever. We had so much fun, and then we woke up to the sunrise and could see the Yacht Club and Reeds Lake. It was so pretty and such a surreal feeling because we had put in so much work and won a really big game, and this had been such a cool and special way to celebrate. My freshman year after we beat Catholic Central the team did the same thing, but since I was just a little freshie my parents didn’t let me sleep on the field. It was such a good night though and I can’t emphasize that enough. 

Also, I know it said one moment but another really fun moment was when Colleen Woodhouse and I during online class went one time to go buy 3 goldfish and another time to go buy 10 goldfish for AP Bio. Two of the goldfish are still alive and one is named Lipstick and the other is named Joe Exotic. RIP Poppy, Bobby, and Gimmy though.

What do you know now that you wish you’d known when you were younger?
Right now I would tell all of the underclassmen and especially the juniors that are going to be seniors is to NOT WISH IT AWAY. Trust me, I know that high school can suck. Girls can be really mean, and it’s hard to be your best self all the time. But since the rest of my senior year is gone because of the corona virus, I wish I had gone to those games when I decided to just stay home and watch Netflix. It’s so important to take advantage of all the events the school has to offer. Live it up and join clubs, get close with your teachers, don’t try so hard to fit in with the “popular group” and instead make friends that make you feel good. My dad has always told me friends should be the icing on the cake, and sometimes it’s hard to find those people, but you can. Go to all the dances, ask your best friend! Go with a group of girls or a group of guys! You DO NOT need a date to go to a dance and they’re actually really fun! Dance! Be weird! Embrace it all because it goes by fast, and faster for me than I ever would’ve imagined. Don’t take it for granted.

What advice do you have for young East kids?
Don’t quit your sports. Join clubs. Don’t try to be popular. Work hard but prioritize your mental health. Talk to your teachers. Be like Bruce.

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