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Music Library Is Getting Organized Thanks to Foundation Grant

photo of music library

You know that pile of paper you have stacked up in the corner of the kitchen? The one with your bank statements, pizza coupons, yearbook order forms and a magazine you don’t remember ordering? Yeah, that one. The pile of paper you move to another room when company is coming over. The one that one day you’re going to get organized. 

The music library for the middle school and high school used to be like that, too. Alright, maybe it wasn’t that bad, but it did need some attention. Now, though, thanks to a grant from the Foundation and some hard work, the music library is getting organized, sparking joy in students and teachers alike.

Bree Mitchell applied for the grant. “Our schools and students are benefiting from the Library Folders Grant I received because now our music library is organized and cataloged,” Mitchell says. 

“This helps us easily find and put away music. It helps us access everything we have for listening, playing and studying and it also helps us see what we don't have. With our library organized we can better diversify our library with contemporary music from a wide array of composers that better represent our students and our world.

“Thank you, Foundation donors, for helping us get the music library organized for our students!”

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