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Former Board Member Breakfast Was Amazing!

photo of students at breakfast

Our Former Board Member Breakfast connects today's students to former members of our board of directors from our 40-year history.

Every other year, this event gives our former board members a glimpse at what's happening in our schools. This year, we focused on the Tower Gardens that East alumni donated to all our schools. 

The Tower Gardens are indoor hydroponic gardens that enable kids to learn about biology, chemistry, ecology, and more in a fun, hands-on way. 

At today's breakfast, current and former Foundation board members saw videos from middle school science teacher Becky Martin and her students as well as Breton Downs Elementary teacher Cheryl Radecki and her students. The audience was also treated to a live, in-person presentation by Wealthy Elementary teacher Megan Miller (herself a former Foundation board member) and three of her students: Mara Catlin, Wynn Stein, and Stella Chung.

It's wonderful to see how today's students and our former board members, some separated by 80 years of age, share the same enthusiasm for learning.