Before kids can learn, they need to be healthy. Physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy.
The Foundation's Mental Health & Wellness Fund will support student mental health for all students in all our schools. And right now, a generous, concerned alumna will match all donations dollar for dollar up to a total of $50,000 so the power of your gift is doubled.
Too many students right here in East Grand Rapids are in crisis and don't know what to do. Too many parents are facing agonizing decisions and don't know where to turn.
How many is too many? One.
Last spring, the Foundation made a $750,000 commitment to support student mental health. Since then, EGRPS has hired a Wellness Coordinator and a full-time social worker. Training and additional programming is already happening, giving kids tools and resources to recognize a problem before it becomes a crisis.
Any amount you can contribute will help:
$100 could provide materials for a mental health resource library
$500 could fund a visit from an expert in the field of student mental health
$1,000 could provide training for teachers and staff