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Classroom in a Whole New Light

photo of students with cloud lights

Rainn Wilson, who played Dwight Schrute on “The Office,” once said the worst part of that role was spending the day under fluorescent lights. There might be a few middle school students who would agree.

East Grand Rapids Middle School teacher Amy Marlow came up with a partial solution to that problem when she wrote a grant application for materials that would change the lighting in her classroom. The changes included “cloud lights”--filters for fluorescent ceiling lights that soften and cool the light beaming down on students.

It’s a simple solution, but the change in her classroom, Marlow says, has been remarkable. “Students have reported that they love walking into their classrooms. Many of them have commented on how calm and relaxing the classrooms feel.”  

“The traditional overhead lights are harsh and bright in their fluorescents, but with the cloud light covers all lights in the classrooms can be used at the same time. The light is gentler, softer, and more conducive to reading, writing, and learning. The students and teachers are very thankful for the improvement to the mood of our learning spaces!”

If only every middle school challenge was so easily solved.