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Lakeside Art Class Seating

photo of students in art class

Contrary to popular belief, Michelangelo didn’t paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel while lying on his back. Instead, he painted it while standing on scaffolding, craning his neck and extending his arms above his head to reach the ceiling.

Imagine how much easier it would have been if he’d had the flexible seating Foundation donors provided to the Lakeside Elementary art room thanks to a grant written by art teachers Peri DenDulk and Hillary Klopcic.

“Our selection for new stools in the Lakeside art room will increase student engagement by providing flexibility and mobility,” says DenDulk. “The seating will allow students to turn to engage with both instruction and other students. We love that our young artists will be able to collaborate more easily! 

“Thank you EGR Foundation!”