As the Foundation, thanks to our donors, has funded several 3D printers over the years, we’ve wondered, on occasion, whether a 3D printer could print itself. So we googled it.
The short answer is yes. Self-replicating 3D printers do exist. The long answer is a bit more complicated, so if you’re really curious, you can read the whole explanation on the Sculpteo website.
For the rest of you, it might be more interesting to learn that thanks to the Foundation, Drafting, Design, and Technology (DDT) students at the high school now have access to one of the latest and greatest 3D printers made for classroom use.
East Grand Rapids High School student George Bernecker applied for the grant, with help from DDT teacher Patrick Reed. “This grant that funded our high quality Ultimaker 3D printer will help my fellow classmates as well as myself print much more intricate and complicated designs,” says Bernecker. “That was previously impossible with the technology we had before.”