In 2022, as COVID restrictions were lifted, a grant from the Foundation provided the help our elementary school libraries needed.
“The Learning Commons Inventory Revitalization Grant that was approved by the foundation has enabled us to purchase hundreds of new books,” said Dana Parent, a volunteer at the Wealthy Elementary Learning Commons. “We have been able to purchase non-fiction books to support current student interests, supplement classroom teaching units and replace outdated content. We’ve also been able to purchase many recent award-winning and honorary fiction books, new titles in popular fiction series as well as many of the books on our student request list. Students and teachers are thrilled to have a new selection of books available to check out in all sections of the Learning Commons, keeping students engaged and motivated to read and learn.”
To help manage the revitalized collections, the Foundation funded the new position of Elementary Learning Commons Coordinator. Sarah Webber, a former volunteer at Breton Downs, was hired for the role. If you’ve spent any time in an elementary library over the past two years, you know what an incredible job she has done.
Thank you, Foundation donors, for making this possible! You can help support our mission of investing in educational enhancements for all our students on our Donate page.