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Foundation Grant Sends Teachers to Convention

photo of teachers with author

East Grand Rapids Middle School English teachers, Erika Iannuzzi and Andi Adams attended The National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention in November of 2023. In 2022, two different teachers from the department attended and in 2024 the final two teachers in the department will attend, all with support from the Foundation through a multi-year grant.

NCTE’s Convention is the most historic annual literacy gathering for teachers and educators. Now celebrating its 114th consecutive year, NCTE connects educators to the most passionate and energetic minds in literacy. Attendees hear from leading education voices as well as hundreds of national authors, all engaging together around the pressing topics of the field.

The teachers shared their experience with us:

“The NCTE conference in Columbus, Ohio was a game changer in our approach to teaching Language Arts.  We returned with a treasure trove of fresh ideas and teaching strategies gleaned from workshops, panels, and discussions. But it wasn't just about what we learned—it was also about the loot we brought back! Our students now have access to a wealth of new books and resources, enriching our classroom experience and fueling their love for reading.”

“We had the incredible opportunity to connect with many writers, from seasoned veterans such as Alan Gratz and Renee Watson to fresher rising authors such as David Stewart. Chatting and working alongside them in workshop fashion provided insight into their craft and ignited our students' passion for literature in a whole new way.”

“Overall, the conference sparked a wave of inspiration. We returned invigorated, armed with fresh perspectives and resources, ready to make a lasting impact on our students' learning journey.”