Tarwo Konbloa, physical education teacher for Breton Downs and Lakeside Elementaries, requested new gym equipment, specifically jerseys/pennies and pickleball equipment, to use with students via a grant to the EGR Schools Foundation. The jerseys he requested are already being put into use in the Spring of 2024, shortly after the funds were received.
Mr. Konbloa shared an example of how they are being used, "During a unit, the class will be split up into five different teams and each team has a different color jersey. By wearing those jerseys, it helps the students to differentiate which players are on which team, and that will help or guide their decision making during game practice to help them reach their potential. Having students in teams encourages collaboration, builds the concept of unity, and fun as the teams work toward a tournament at the end of a unit."
The pickleball equipment will be implemented next school year (2024-2025) to work on the fundamental skills of hand/eye coordination and object control (racquet striking a ball).
"We are fortunate to have the EGR foundation sponsor our gym equipment," he shared.