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When You Stare into the Cow Eye, the Cow Eye Stares Back

photo of Cheryl Radecki and students

What can you say about cow eyes for dissection that hasn’t been said a hundred times already? Turns out quite a lot, if you ask the right person.

Breton Downs Elementary teacher Cheryl Radecki asked the Foundation for a $309.46 grant to provide the cow eyes for her students to dissect. Here’s what she says about it: 

"This unique hands-on opportunity supports our Life Science unit standards. Fourth graders are expected to develop an understanding that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and reproduction. By studying an actual eye, students are better able to describe how  an object can be seen when light reflected from its surface enters the eye. Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) expects students to use a model to describe how animals receive different types of information through their senses, process the information in their brain, and respond to the information in different ways. 

Dissection is important because it:

  • Helps students learn about the internal structures of animals.
  • Helps students learn how the tissues and organs are interrelated.
  • Gives students an appreciation of the complexity of organisms in a hands-on learning environment.
  • Provides one of the most memorable and instructive learning opportunities"